For the most part this is done simply by seeing that the young are respected, free, have access to the basics of food, water, and medicine, as well as having people to look up to. They might be taught by official teachers, the community, a craft-guild, a priesthood, computers, or the dead. The Enlightenment simply needs to know that the mind of a child is not wasted by early neglect. They will be the life blood of the species, the next colonists, they are the stem cells, and will one day become the endoskeleton of civilisation- the dead. Hence the Enlightenment Fleets all bare the symbol of a foetus as their emblem, a reminder of the future.
For all that the Scholar-tutors of the College Fleets have their title, their teaching is mostly in teaching the teachers of teachers, or in educating the great masses. Only their initiates go out onto a world to teach the general population. Only a Profess will teach distinct lessons.
His mother had been furious upon finding out. He'd only been back a few weeks, he'd hardly started out as a proper Coald miner. What about Phell? What about his little baby brother?
Alxi had signed up for lessons with the Profess. He had always been fascinated by news from beyond the system, the new technologies, new research, what had happened to the rest of humanity. Such lessons were also essential to gaining a seat on the Coald Council- without such teachings and knowledge he would have struggled greatly. There was also the possibility that they might select him as well, to join the fleet, become a tutor, see the stars with them. He didn't mention that to his mother.
A group of young people, freshly out of their party years of college, university, and apprenticeship programs stood amongst the Ancient Greek ruins, surrounded by a dry desert-like wilderness. All wore loose, plain, linen tunics. They quietly chatted with one another, nervous yet impatient. In reality they were each in their own Coald Sphere, floating in the pink fluid, bodies plugged into the space station, gathered here by the software of the Enlightenment Fleet.
The software of all Spheres could generate any environment humanity had managed to measure or scan, as well as an infinite number of places invented and constructed by people, aided by the dead.
The group fell quiet as the Profess climbed onto the remnants of a stone column.
"Welcome to you all.", she began, "These courses will not be gruelling, nor will we teach you anything that new, supposing you were listening throughout the rest of your education. We will go over your own history, that of civilisation, and of the species as a hold. As best possible we will go over the present political, astral and economic situation of the species. We will cover culture and technology, society and the galactic ecosystem. By the end of the course you should know not only know these lessons, you will know their importance and relevance.
"Your community hopes that this will make you rounded individuals, able to guide the Coald and this system in the future. Some of you may show the aptitude to be put forward for Colony Fleet command, helping to shape humanity's future. A few of you, the ones with special insights and novel ideas, may even have the potential to join my fleet, should you be willing.
"You will travel through history, living it, being part of it. Tutors from the fleet will take you aboard the Fleet, and you will tour the System with them. It is our hope that you will thus be able to teach us about your words. You will need to show knowledge, understanding, communication skills and leadership.
"I can't lie enough to say that all of you will definitely succeed. However, you are here, so you are evidently optimistic about your chances, and that optimism, with will power, will get you through. The Tutors will do everything they can to help you succeed.
"Most importantly though, enjoy the journey!"
With that tables laden with exotic foods appeared, attended to by service drones and concubines. The sun shone as they ate, socialised, and acted out as Ancient Greeks.
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